Friday, March 7, 2008

Missionized C-130J Accepted From Lockheed

Now all you Deepwater haters have a lot of negative things to say about Lockheed Martin, and while I agree with much of what is said, I have to stand by them on one system: the C-130. Those of you that know me, know that this is one of my favorite aircraft of all time, and with good reason. Given the amount of cargo it has moved in its career (a long one! Consider the milestones:

  • August 23, 1954 - Maiden Flight of prototype
  • 1964 - First flight of HC-130 variant (accepted by USAF and USCG)
  • 2007 - Acceptance of HC-130J "Super Hercules" for missionization
A good write-up on the new aircraft's capabilities and systems was posted on

The C-130 is a remarkable aircraft (one I wish I could fly), and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the new model will perform as well as its predecessors.

To put to rest any rumors that I don't have ADD...look at this picture and tell me it doesn't look like a surprised Basset Hound:

(for the ADD-impaired, big black nose, wings sticking out like ears, smile visible above the nose gear...come on!! Maybe I watched too many Disney movies as a kid or something...)

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