Much like the Cosco Busan incident brought back to the limelight the under-publicized environmental response mission of the Coast Guard (I'll have to remember to post some of the final decision documents detailing the Coast Guard's lack of fault in the incident), the melting of the polar ice caps and the potential for increasing vessel traffic and sovereignty issues in the upper part of North America has lead Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Thad Allen to bring back into focus the aging fleet of US Polar Icebreakers. Wired (not David Axe) has the story...
Monday, April 14, 2008
Code Pink needs a Code Red
For anyone that's seen A Few Good Men, they may recall one of it's more controversial topics...the purported use of "Code Red" incidents, or over-the-line hazing incidents in the Marine Corps. The Code Pink organization needs a Code Red, or some significant action, to wake them up. Read on...
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Coast Guard represented among Olympic torch-bearers
23-year old SN Mallory Schafer was selected by the San Francisco Olympic Relay Committee, A Sustainable Journey, as one of the bearers of the Olympic flame during the torch's journey through San Francisco. Read the full article on
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Monday, April 7, 2008
Morro Bay F/V located
I have been following the case of the F/V Wild Thing for a few days, ever since my other half worked the initial SAR call. Turns out an Air Force helo from Moffett Field in the San Francisco area located and boarded the fishing vessel, where they discovered that the operator was missing. CGNews has the full story...
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First RB-M to enter service at STA Little Creek
Alright, you all know I'm a huge fan of this boat. In fact, it may be one of the things that keeps me in the boat driver community for a while. I did a short write-up on some of the capabilities a while back, and I am excited to see this thing finally in service. The Hampton Roads Pilot mentions the operational debut of the Response Boat - Medium to take place this afternoon at Coast Guard Station Little Creek. I'm waiting patiently for my turn...
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Monday, March 31, 2008
Midgett Commander Relieved after Striking Enlisted Watchstander
Somehow this escaped most of my usual Coastie news sources. Capt Lee Alexander, Commanding Officer of the Cutter Midgett was relieved for cause due to an incident where he struck an enlisted security watchstander. Capt Alexander has requested retirement from the Service.
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Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Bears & Dolphins
No, it's not a football game. It's a different game, played day by day in the Caribbean Sea. Hercules also had a starring role in this drama:
The cutter Bear, with it's embarked MH-65C helicopter, worked to recover 3200 pounds of cocaine dumped by a fleeing drug smuggler. Local 10 news has the full story.
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No More Morning Dew
In a rescue effort that highlighted enhanced response in the days since the Morning Dew incident, Coast Guard Station Hobucken, NC and Air Station Elizabeth City combined efforts for the rescue of a couple and their pets (two dogs and a bird) from their sinking sailboat, the Linger While. Portsmouth's Wavy 10 has the story.
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Monday, March 24, 2008
4 Dead, 1 Injured in Alaska
From the CNN feed...
4 crewmembers are dead, and 1 missing in the sinking of the Alaska Ranger, a fishing boat based out of Seattle.
Alaska Ranger, in a file photo
The fishing vessel began taking on water early on Sunday morning, and eventually the order was given to abandon ship. 25 crewmembers were recovered by the nearby fishing vessel Alaska Warrior. The remainder of the crew were recovered by the Coast Guard. The cutter Munro, as well as several aircraft, were participating in the search and recovery.
EDIT: Chicago Tribune has a good article on the story here.
Alaska Ranger crew after rescue on Munro
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Friday, March 21, 2008
Use of Semi-Submersibles as Drug Smuggling Craft on the Rise
According a new article from CNN International, drug smugglers are adapting to Coast Guard and DEA tactics for apprehending and stopping drug smuggling vessels at sea. In recent years, the use of semi-submersible vessels, assembled at great cost in pieces in the Columbian jungle, was a microcosm of the overall smuggling enterprise. Today, the use of difficult to detect, harder to stop submersibles is becoming more common. Adm. Thad Allen said that the Coast Guard's counter-narcotics efforts are witnessing more of these vessels, and intelligence officials expect the number to rise. What's next?
See video of a semi-sub intercept here.
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